Why are school trips a good idea?

School trips can be an enriching and exciting part of the educational experience, but as student travel requires a lot of planning, you might be wondering whether it’s the right decision.

This is particularly true if you’re planning to go abroad or your trip requires group air travel.

But we promise you, these trips can be an important and unforgettable learning experience for students, no matter where you go.

In fact, here are six reasons why school trips are a great idea.

Learning outside the classroom

While the classroom can be the ideal place for learning day-to-day, it’s a good idea to break this up every now and then and give students a chance to expand their minds and learn in a different way.

By leaving the classroom, you can use multimedia techniques to stimulate learning and encourage the students to immerse themselves in new experiences.

Bringing subjects to life

Reading from textbooks, watching videos and in some cases conducting practical tasks can help students learn the basics. But going on a school trip can help to really bring the subject to life.

Think about it, you can talk about WW2 for hours, share images, facts and figures, and even read personal accounts, but going to historic sites in person can make the topic feel more real. This can encourage students to take more information on board, connecting these facts to their own experiences.

And the good news is, it’s not just history, there are lots of different group travel experiences that can bring different subjects to life, from English literature to chemistry and physics to religious studies.

Helping those who learn by doing

Not everyone enjoys book learning and for some, simply reading words off the page is not enough to make it stick.

With that in mind, school trips can be the ideal way to help and support those who learn better by doing and having meaningful experiences. That is why these trips can be an important way to enrich education and give everyone a fair chance to learn.

Experiencing other cultures

Through group air travel, students can reach parts of the world they’ve never seen before and going abroad on a school trip can be the perfect way for them to experience new cultures.

Learning about other cultures and how people live can promote respect and tolerance and allow students to have more meaningful interactions with those around them.

Not only that, but they can learn more about different traditions, religions, languages and historical struggles. All of this can equip them with crucial life skills they can take with them when they leave school.

Strengthening important transferable skills

Following on from this, school trips and group travel can help to strengthen other important transferable skills that students can apply outside of their studies.

For example, they’ll work on their communication and organisation skills, as well as time-keeping, critical thinking and teamwork. All of these are important skills that will stand them in good stead when they start applying for jobs.

Offering memorable experiences

Last but certainly not least, school trips can be fun and memorable experiences for students. They get to spend time with their classmates, experience new places and continue learning along the way.

Our years in school are some of the most important and memorable years of our lives and school trips can play a big role in this.

Group travel planning

If you've decided you’d like to plan a student group travel experience, that’s great news. The trouble is that group travel planning takes a lot of care and attention, especially when you’re going to be in charge of a group of young students.

The good news is, if you work with a group travel agency, they can help to make the experience far easier and less stressful. They will be able to help you book group air travel for the best price and ensure everyone is able to travel together.

What’s more, if you reach out to school group travel agents like BTG Travel Management, they will be able to offer specialised services for students and teachers, including tailored school travel guidance.

If you'd like to know more about how BTG Travel Management can help you plan your school trip, get in touch with the friendly team today.


How to plan a group travel trip