Is it cheaper to book group flights?

There are lots of things in life that become cheaper the more you buy, either because you're buying in bulk or because businesses offer discounts to those who purchase more of their goods.

In theory, group air travel should be the same, right?

It stands to reason that when you book group flights for a large party you should be able to save money. But if you’ve not tackled group travel planning before, you might not be clued up on the subject.

The good news is, we are and we can help to advise on booking group flights and whether this is the right solution for your party.

We will now dig a little deeper to answer that all-important question, is it cheaper to book group flights?

Some airlines offer discount

It's always best not to assume that group flight booking will automatically lead to a discount. However, that doesn't mean that some airlines don't offer reduced prices for larger groups.

This means that it's best to do your research and some careful planning before you go ahead and book. Look for airlines that run special deals for larger groups or speak with a group travel agency that can advise you on the best companies for bagging a bargain.

You can secure an overall better rate

Although you might not always get a discount offered directly, group air travel can actually give a better flat rate.

What do we mean by this?

Well, if you begin researching flights online and several members of the party begin booking their flights right away, this can increase the price for others who choose to book at a later date. This is because as demand for these seats increases, the price often does too.

Therefore, when you book your flights through a group travel agency or go directly to the airline, you can secure a better flat rate for everyone involved.

It’s important to think about the bigger picture

Sure, when you're booking group flights, particularly for a large number of people, it makes sense that you want to get the best price.

That being said, it's important that you consider the whole picture. It's not just about getting the cheapest seat as these can often come with downsides.

Instead, by choosing group flight booking, lots of companies will offer other benefits and incentives even if you don't get a deal. These additional features and services can be worth more than their weight in gold.

For example, lots of companies that offer group air travel will ensure you have a dedicated point of contact to speak to if you come up against any issues. Not only that, but they typically offer greater flexibility allowing you to change numbers and dates more easily and without having to pay extra.

A group travel agency can help you

There's a lot to consider when you book group flights and if you’re concerned about getting the most budget-friendly flights, there is a solution. Working with a group travel agency can reduce stress and lead to the best results, for the best price.

Not only will they take on most of the hard work and responsibility, but they will also have pre-existing relationships with airlines and suppliers. This allows them to compare prices and ensure you get the most for your money.

Of course, it also gives you a dedicated travel agent that you can talk to and that can help to ensure you’ve got the right group flights for your party.

So is it cheaper to book group flights?

Taking into account everything we’ve said above, this is no one right answer, but if we have to make a judgment, it is not always cheaper to book group flights, depending on how you go about it.

However, some airlines will offer a discount, so it’s all about doing your research or choosing the right resources.

Ultimately it's down to getting the most for your money, even if this does not manifest itself in an instantly cheaper ticket.

By working with a group travel agency, your point of contact will work hard to get you the best price. But alongside that, you'll also have the added benefit of a dedicated agent who you can speak to and ask for advice.

Plus, they will take away a lot of the stress of group travel planning, so you will find the whole experience much more enjoyable.

If this sounds like the perfect solution for your group travel planning, get in touch with the friendly team at BTG today to see how we can help.


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